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The League of Women Voters of the Palatine, Barrington and Schaumburg Areas
encourages informed and active participation in government, and works to influence public policy through education and advocacy. Membership is open to all persons sixteen years of age and older.

Learn more

Make a difference in your community:
Become a part of the LWV of the Palatine, Barrington and Schaumburg Areas!


(PLEASE NOTE: There are no Feb 25, 2025 elections in the towns covered by LWVPA)

  • 03/04/25:  In Person voter registration closes
  • 03/16/25:  Last day to register to vote by online application
  • 03/17/25:  First day of early voting for most locations (check your county website)
  • 03/27/25:  Last day to request a mail ballot
  • 03/31/25:  Last day of early voting
  • 04/01/25:  Last day mail in ballots may be postmarked is ELECTION DAY


Candidate Forums
for April 1, 2025 Local Elections

The people you elect to represent you on local boards and governing bodies have a big impact on your day-to-day life. To make sure you choose wisely, you need to be well informed. Attending candidate forums is a great way to learn about the people running for office. Listed below are local candidate forums that our League is sponsoring or co-sponsoring. Click on them for more information and registration.

Defend Democracy Drop-in:

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 11, 2025, 6-7 pm

Barrington Area Library

Attend this meeting to learn more about the Disclose Act, a proposed campaign finance reform bill, and actions you can take to support its passage.

More information and registration


The State of Immigration

Tuesday, February 27, 2025, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Schaumburg Central Library - Rasmussen Room
130 South Roselle Road
Schaumburg, IL 6019

Don't miss this important conversation about immigration. Attorney Sara Dady and Dr. Madeline Zavodny, Professor of Economics at the University of North Flordia will speak on an overview of US immigration law and policy, identify the problems with our current system and propose solutions for a modernized immigration system better to address our economic, family and security needs.

You can choose to attend in-person or watch online on Zoom. Please indicate your preference when registering.

The public is invited to attend.

More information and registration

Join LWVPA Book Club Facilitators Marilyn McCarty-Fulton, Lana Brozik and Mary Pat Fontana

for a discussion of

The Sun Does Shine
by Anthony Ray Hinton
and Lara Love Hardin
Foreward by Bryan Stevenson


Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 10:30 AM

Palatine Public Library

More information and registration


Inadvertently sharing false information without the intent to harm.

Intentionally sharing false information with the intent to harm.

The proliferation of misinformation and disinformation has emerged as a significant threat to our democratic processes and informed decision-making of the electorate. Learn more about this issue and what you can do to fight mis- and disinformation by clicking HERE

View a presentation on the topic:

In a typical year, LWV of the Palatine Area:

  • Sponsors or co-sponsors candidate forums
  • Holds voter registration drives in a wide variety of locations
  • Hosts or co-hosts public programs related to the environment, voting, immigration, criminal justice, election issues and other important topics
  • Hosts books discussions, field trips and social events
  • Works to improve our democracy by contacting legislators, writing postcards and letters, and joining rallies

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Missed one of our events?
Watch videos of our past programs and candidate forums.


The League of Women Voters of the Palatine, Barrington, and Schaumburg Areas is a nonpartisan political organization and does not support any political party or candidate.